
The purpose of this article is to explore cooperatives (as a unique form of business based on solidarity and democratic values) operating in the sphere of IT. Methodology of research. Practically complete absence of research on development of cooperatives in IT sphere created the need to use empirical information from the websites of specific cooperatives in different countries. Using historical method and analogy method made it possible to establish the principles and mechanisms of cooperatives' activities in IT sphere. Logical method made it possible to substantiate the hypothesis about possibility of creating different models of IT-cooperatives; information about their existence is not available, but they can theoretically be created. Findings. The unique nature of cooperatives, reasons of their origin, their types, features and extent of development in some countries are analyzed here. It is determined that cooperatives in IT sphere represent rather new and practically unexplored modern scientific issue. On the basis of empirical data, we have generalized the experience, motives for creation and activity directions of some IT-cooperatives in different countries. Practical value. This article is the first in Ukraine and one of the first in the world, which contains attempt of scientific substantiating the benefits which IT-related people, especially freelancers as well as small IT-companies can get by uniting into cooperatives. It also provides possible models for IT-cooperatives, which can potentially be created in IT sphere. Keywords: cooperatives, cooperation, IT-cooperative, IT, information technologies, types of cooperatives, IT-business, IT-company, freelance. REFERENCES 1. Honcharenko, V., Panteleimonenko, A., Pozhar, A., Stetsenko, V. (2019). Cooperatives in IT sector: theoretical and practical aspects. Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences (PENS). – Vol. 7, No. 2, August 2019, pp. 597–607. 2. Honcharenko, V., Panteleimonenko, A., & Pozhar, A. (2019). Deformation of cooperative idea in “Soviet” period and development of pseudo-cooperatives: the consequences for Ukraine. ICA-CCR ’19: Research Conference Berlin. - Cooperatives and the transformation of business and society At: Humboldt Univeristy, Berlin, Germany, August 21–23, 2019. 3. Valentinov, V., Iliopoulos, K. (2013). Economic Theories of Nonprofits and Agricultural Cooperatives Compared: New Perspectives for Nonprofit Scholars. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly. – February 2013 – № 42 (1) – рр. 109–126. 4. Honcharenko, V., Panteleimonenko, A., Pozhar, A., Stetsenko, V. (2019). Cooperatives in IT sector: theoretical and practical aspects. ICCMIT ’19. The 5th International Conference on Communication, Management and Information Technology. – March 26–28, 2019, Vienna, Austria. 5. Hanisch, M. (2013). Cooperatives and poverty reduction: a literature review // Journal of Rural Cooperation, 41(2), 2013, pp. 114–146. 6. Goncharenko, V. (2012). Vazhlyvist vidrodzhennya kooperatyvnykh bankiv v Ukrayini v umovakh pohlyblennya kryzovykh yavyshch u svitoviy ekonomitsi [The importance of the revival of cooperative banks of Ukraine in terms of deepening of crisis phenomena in world economy]. Mizhnarodna naukovo-praktychna konferentsiya Mizhnarodnyy kooperatyvnyy rukh: henezys ta tendentsiyi suchasnoho rozvytku – International scientific-practical conference The International cooperative movement: genesis and modern development trends. (pр. 208–213). Poltava[in Ukrainian]. 7. Honcharenko, V V. (1998). Kontseptsiia neprybutkovoi pryrody kooperatyviv [Concept of non-profit nature of cooperatives]. Naukovopraktychna konferentsiia Problemy rozvytku spozhyvchoi kooperatsii Ukrainy v rynkovomu seredovyshchi : The Scientific and Practical Conference Problems of development of consumer cooperatives of Ukraine in market relations. (pp.131–138). Lviv : Kooposvita. [in Ukrainian]. 8. Dovgal, O., Kazakova, N. et al. (2018). Hlobalizatsiya ta rehionalizatsiya yak vektory rozvytku mizhnarodnykh ekonomichnykh vidnosyn [Globalization and regionalization as vectors for the development of international economic relations]. Kh: VN Karazin Kharkiv National University [in Ukrainian]. 9. Honcharenko, V. (2001). Teoretyko-metodolohichni pidkhody do vidrodzhennya natsionalnoho kooperatyvnoho rukhu [Theoretical and methodological approaches to the revival of national cooperative movement]. Visnyk Poltavskoho derzhavnoho silskohospodarskoho instytutu – Bulletin of the Poltava State Agricultural Institute, 5–6, 10–15 [in Ukrainian]. 10. Honcharenko, V. (2005). Osoblyvosti ta zakonomirnosti vidrodzhennia ta rozvytku kredytnykh spilok v Ukraini [ Features and Patterns of Recovery and Development of Credit Unions in Ukraine]. Sait ministerstva finansiv Ukrainy [Website of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine]. (accessed 10 May 2019) [in Ukrainian]. Published: 2020-03-26

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