
A modern high-quality human life is impossible without the latest IT achievements, which make it possible to increase the level of comfort and saturation of the life of an ordinary citizen. For Ukraine, which has a high potential, but an underdeveloped IT sphere, any direction in the development of the IT sphere is important. Therefore, there is a need to highlight the principles on the basis of which economic policy of regulating the development of the IT sphere should be based. This will allow to restore the country's economy in the post-war period. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the system of principles on which economic policy of regulating the development of the IT sphere in Ukraine should be based. It has been established that in order to ensure the effectiveness of the process of forming an economic policy for regulating the development of the IT sphere in Ukraine, the authorities must adhere to nine basic principles. The principle of scientificity dictates the need to lay the latest achievements in the IT sphere as the basis of economic policy toolkit. On this basis, an effective toolkit for minimizing risks should be formed to ensure stable trends in socio-economic development of the country's economy. The principle of justice is aimed at developing a system of effective tools for the development of the IT sphere. This will help to achieve sustainable development goals, minimize corruption and improve social standards of life. The principle of comprehensiveness consists in carrying out activities for the career guidance of young people, providing them with high-quality IT education and jobs, and specialists – with high-performance computer equipment. The principle of priority marks the focus of IT projects on those areas of activity that are of the highest priority for the development of the Ukrainian economy. In the post-war period, the restoration of the defense, medical, construction, food, mining and processing industries and agriculture in Ukraine should be considered a priority. The principle of strategic orientation should direct economic policy towards the achievement of strategic goals. It is important that the creation of new jobs based on the latest IT will increase the average level of wages and gradually approach the solution of the strategic goal – the return of Ukrainians to peacetime. The principle of adaptability orients the development of the IT sphere towards new technologies and information products. At the same time, current and strategic needs of regional and national economy of Ukraine should be taken into account. The principle of synergy determines the need to ensure the scale of the processes of digitalization of the country. The principle of inclusiveness directs the authorities to focus on the reintegration of Ukrainians who have received the status of persons with disabilities during the war. This project can be implemented by training such persons free of charge in a specific IT profession and providing powerful samples of computer equipment for successful online work in the IT sphere. The principle of European integration is based on the development of the country's IT sphere. This will make it possible to introduce changes in all spheres of the life of society and increase their efficiency by accelerating the pace of digitalization of managerial and technological processes.

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