
Understanding the underlying process in a convolutional neural networks is crucial for developing reliable architectures. In this chapter, we explained how convolution operations are derived from fully connected layers. For this purpose, weight sharing mechanism of convolutional neural networks was discussed. Next basic building block in convolutional neural network is pooling layer. We saw that pooling layers are intelligent ways to reduce dimensionality of feature maps. To this end, a max pooling, average pooling, or a mixed pooling is applied on feature maps with a stride bigger than one. In order to explain how to design a neural network, two classical network architectures were illustrated and explained. Then, we formulated the problem of designing network in three stages namely idea, implementation, and evaluation. All these stages were discussed in detail. Specifically, we reviewed some of the libraries that are commonly used for training deep networks. In addition, common metrics (i.e., classification accuracy, confusion matrix, precision, recall, and F1 score) for evaluating classification models were mentioned together with their advantages and disadvantages. Two important steps in training a neural network successfully are initializing its weights and regularizing the network. Three commonly used methods for initializing weights were introduced. Among them, Xavier initialization and its successors were discussed thoroughly. Moreover, regularization techniques such as \(L_1\), \(L_2\), max-norm, and dropout were discussed. Finally, we finished this chapter by explaining more advanced layers that are used in designing neural networks.

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