
Energy security and independence, increase and fluctuation of the oil price, fossil fuel resources depletion and global climate change are some of the greatest challanges facing societies today and in incoming decades. Sustainable economic and industrial growth of every country and the world in general requires safe and renewable resources of energy. It has been expected that re-arrangement of economies towards biofuels would mitigate at least partially problems arised from fossil fuel consumption and create more sustainable development. Of the renewable energy sources, bioenergy draws major and particular development endeavors, primarily due to the extensive availability of biomass, already-existence of biomass production technologies and infrastructure, and biomass being the sole feedstock for liquid fuels. The evolution of biofuels is classified into four generations (from 1st to 4th) in accordance to the feedstock origin; if the technologies of feedstock processing are taken into account, than there are two classes of biofuels - conventional and advanced. The conventional biofuels, also known as the 1st generation biofuels, are those produced currently in large quantities using well known, commercially-practiced technologies. The major feedstocks for these biofuels are cereals or oleaginous plants, used also in the food or feed production. Thus, viability of the 1st generation biofuels is questionable due to the conflict with food supply and high feedstocks? cost. This limitation favoured the search for non-edible biomass for the production of the advanced biofuels. In a general and comparative way, this paper discusses about various definitions of biomass, classification of biofuels, and brief overview of the biomass conversion routes to liquid biofuels depending on the main constituents of the biomass. Liquid biofuels covered by this paper are those compatible with existing infrastructure for gasoline and diesel and ready to be used in mixture with them as ?drop-in? fuels: bioethanol, celullosic ethanol, biodiesel, renewable diesel and BtL diesel; their major advantages and drawbacks are compared.


  • Korišćenje ovakvih sirovina za biogoriva ima uticaj na rast cena hrane, te najnovija istraživanja biogoriva isključivo se odnose na konverziju nejestivih biljaka, otpadne organske materije i vodenih organizama u biogoriva

  • U radu je dat pregled osnovnih pojmova vezanih za biomasu i biogoriva, mogućih sirovina za dobijanje tečnih biogoriva, sumarni prikaz puteva njihove konverzije, kao i samih konvencionalnih i naprednih tečnih biogoriva uporedivih po osobinama fosilnom benzinu i dizelu

  • Prema direktivi Evropske unije 2003/30/EC [18], koja je poznata kao direktiva o biogorivima, biomasa predstavlja biorazgradive delove proizvoda, otpada ili ostataka iz poljoprivrede, šumarstva i srodnih industrija, kao i biorazgradive delove industrijskog i gradskog otpada

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Konvencionalna i napredna tečna biogoriva

Veka intenzivirana su istraživanja i razvoj tehnologija proizvodnje goriva iz biomase, kao jedinog izvora obnovljive energije koji se može prevesti u tečna goriva. Konvencionalni procesi konverzije prvenstveno gajenih biljaka do tečnih goriva, kao što su bioetanol i biodizel (alkoholni estri masnih kiselina). Korišćenje ovakvih sirovina za biogoriva ima uticaj na rast cena hrane, te najnovija istraživanja biogoriva isključivo se odnose na konverziju nejestivih biljaka, otpadne organske materije i vodenih organizama u biogoriva. U radu je dat pregled osnovnih pojmova vezanih za biomasu i biogoriva, mogućih sirovina za dobijanje tečnih biogoriva, sumarni prikaz puteva njihove konverzije, kao i samih konvencionalnih i naprednih tečnih biogoriva uporedivih po osobinama fosilnom benzinu i dizelu. Ključne reči: biomasa, konverzija, bioetanol, biodizel, celulozni etanol, sintetički dizel, zeleni dizel

Jestivi usevi
Biomasa i procesi njene konverzije
BIOETANOL anhidrovani
Biljno ulje Transesterifikacija
Alkoholi ili drugi proizvodi
Tečna biogoriva i njihova podela
Biodizel Bioetanol BioETBE Biljna ulja
Hidrotretirana biljna ulja
Sirovine za tečna biogoriva sledećih generacija
Obnovljivi dizel
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