
The structure of one-loop divergences of two-dimensional dilaton-Maxwell quantum gravity is investigated in two formalisms: one using a convenient effective action and the other a unique effective action. The one-loop divergences (including surface divergences) of the convenient effective action are calculated in three different covariant gauges: (i) De Witt, (ii) $\Omega$-degenerate De Witt, and (iii) simplest covariant. The on-shell effective action is given by surface divergences only (finiteness of the $S$-matrix), which yet depend upon the gauge condition choice. Off-shell renormalizability is discussed and classes of renormalizable dilaton and Maxwell potentials are found which coincide in the cases of convenient and unique effective actions. A detailed comparison of both situations, i.e. convenient vs. unique effective action, is given. As an extension of the procedure, the one-loop effective action in two-dimensional dilaton-Yang-Mills gravity is calculated.

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