
Recent measurements by J. A. O'Keefe, A. Eckels, and R. K. Squires of the third zonal harmonic component of the earth's gravitational potential are used to determine the characteristics of a hypothetical convection current in the earth's mantle. The calculations are based on a convection theory developed by F. A. Vening Meinesz. The current's velocity is found to be 3.6 cm/yr, corresponding to an overturn time of 1.75×108 yr. The temperature perturbation is found to be 9.7°C. The flow is found to impose a distortion of 159 meters on the earth's crust and a distortion of 237 meters on the surface of the core. The mass loadings associated with these distortions were calculated as 5.3×107 dyne/cm2 at the top, and 8.9×107 dyne/cm2 at the bottom of the mantle. It is believed that the Vening Meinesz theory is capable of qualitatively explaining the results of O'Keefe and his co-workers. However, the required thermal efficiency is about 70 per cent, as compared with an estimated maximum of 4 per cent. It is considered improbable that convective efficiencies could be so large.

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