
The retrospective analysis of the activities of public schools in a number of countries made it possible to note that concrete measures are being implemented here aimed at strengthening the health of students, shaping their personality and preparing them for their future work activities. From that point of view, it is still debatable to start school education early, in other words, from the age of 6.0-6.5. However, how justified is it? The issues of so-called "school maturity" and the optimal age for primary school were discussed. Many scientific-methodical literary sources and methods of logical and empirical analysis related to the problem were applied. The issue of school maturation arose when the tendency to start education of schoolchildren from the age of 6.0 to 6.5 was highlighted. However, from the point of view of functional, psychological, mental and motor training, not all children of that age are already mature and capable of mastering certain knowledge, abilities and skills. The article describes specific scientific data and results. From 40 to 60% of children are simply not ready for school education. On the other hand, as a result of one-year study, various deviations in the state of health are recorded, motor activity and performance of first-graders are halved. At the same time, intellectuals from different periods claim that it is most effective to start school at the age of 7. The transition to schooling at the ages of 6.0 and 6.5 has worsened children's health problems. Most of them are not ready for school learning and experience certain difficulties of a psychoemotional, functional and, of course, motor and adaptive nature. The solution of these issues is still considered relevant and up-to-date.

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