
Abstract Acaricides were applied to ‘Acala SJ-2’ cotton planted 3 May near Shafter, Calif., in rows spaced at 40 in. Individual plots were eight rows wide and 100 ft long. Treatments were replicated five times in a randomized complete block design and applied 8 to 9 July. Applications were made by high clearance sprayer equipped with drop booms using five hollow cone nozzles per row delivering 25 gal/acre at 40 lb/in2 . Mainstem leaves (25 per replicate, eight unfolded leaf below mainstem terminal) were sampled on five posttreatment dates and procesed through a sodium hypochlorite wash system. Counts were made of all active stages of the Tetranychid complex. Mite counts were transformed by x + 0.5 for statistical analysis. Yield was determined by mechanically harvesting two center rows of each plot on 9 Nov.

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