
Abstract No-till alfalfa plots were located at Barrett Farm, Etna, NY. On 5 May, the field was prepared by spraying glyphosate (2 qt/acre) on a 105 x 105 ft section of a 4 acre, 2 year-old mixed stand of alfalfa and timothy. On 28 May, the alfalfa was seeded at 13 lb/acre with a John Deere Power Til drill with 8-inch row spacing, and fertilized with 400 lb/acre of 0-18-36. Treatments were replicated 6 times in a randomized complete block design. An untreated buffer of 15 ft was maintained between every two plots. Each plot measured 8 X 20 ft and contained two holes, 4-inch dia X 6-inch deep, that were excavated with a golf-hole digger. Each hole was covered with a 1 ft-square asphalt shingle wrapped with aluminum foil. The reflective surface keep the hole cool, dark and moist, hence providing an ideal hiding place for slugs and serving as an efficient sampling method. Magnum 90% WP (thiodicarb) was applied as a seed treatment by evenly coating seeds with a water slurry of 8 oz (AIJ/100 lbs of alfalfa seed. Mesurol bait was prepared by coating cracked corn with the wettable powder (using soft drink as a sticking agent) and applied at 20 lb bait/acre. All molluscicidal baits were broadcast evenly by hand over each plot on 8 Jun.

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