
Abstract Two rates of Karate 1 EC each applied at 3 postflood treatments were compared with carbofuran (Furadan 3G) and an untreated check for control of RWW. Karate was applied to test the efficacy as an adulticide, hence the applications shortly after permanent flood. Experimental design was a RCB with 4 replications. Rice was drill-seeded (9 rows with a 7 inch row spacing) in a Crowley silt loam at 110 lb/acre 28 Apr and emerged 9 May. Propanil and thiobencarb at 2 lb (AI)/acre each and bentazon at 1 lb (AI)/acre were applied 17 May. Permanent flood was applied on 3 Jun. Nitrogen was applied in a 3-way split of 120 lb/acre on 3 Jun and 30 lb/acre each on 5 and 19 Jul. Plots were circular with a 5 ft diam each and bounded by a 12 inch tall aluminum sheet. Plots were infested naturally by RWW adults and by adding 13 field-collected mating pairs per circular plot on 3 Jun. Foliar treatments were applied with a CO2 backpack sprayer delivering 16 gpa at 22 psi with a single nozzle (9501-E fiat-fan) boom. Furadan 3G was applied broadcast with a hand shaker on 8 Jun. On 23 and 30 Jun three 4 × 4 inch (diam by depth) soil cores were removed from each plot. Soil was washed from plant roots into 40-mesh screens. Screens were immersed in salt water and RWW immatures were recovered and counted.

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