
Abstract Various formulations and application times of fipronil were compared with Furadan 3G and an untreated check for control of RWW. The experimental design was a RCB with 4 replications. Plot size was 9 rows (7 inch row spacing) X 25 ft with a 2 ft alley between plots. Rice was drill-seeded in a Crowley silt loam at 115 lb/acre on 11 May and emerged on 18 May. Broadcast applications of fipronil 1.65G were applied with a hand-shaker to either preplant dry soil and lightly incorporated with a hand-rake on 11 May or to dry soil immediately prior to application of permanent flood on 8 Jun. Fipronil 80WG was applied with a CO2-powered back pack sprayer with a 3 nozzle. (TeeJet 8002 flat fan) boom delivering 16 gpa at 22 PSL to either preplant dry soil and lightly incorporated with a hand-rake on 11 May or to dry soil tank-mixed with propanil at 4.0 lb (AI)/acre on 6 Jun. Furadan 3G was applied 7 d after permanent flood with a hand-shaker. Propanil and Bolero at 3.0 and 2.0 lb (AI)/acre, respectively, were applied for weed control on 6 Jun. Permanent flood was established on 8 Jun. Londax at 0.04 lb (AI)/acre was added to the permanent flood on 12 Jun. Nitrogen was applied in a 3-way split of 90 lb/acre on 8 Jun and 30 lb/acre each on 9 and 16 Jul. On 29 and 30 Jun and on 13 and 14 Jul five 4X4 inch (diam by depth) soil cores with an average of 7 plants/core were removed from each plot. Soil was washed from plant roots into 40-mesh screens. Screens were immersed in salt water and RWW immatures were recovered and counted. The center 4 rows X 20 ft of plots were harvested on 12 Sep. Reported yields were adjusted to 12% moisture.

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