
Larvicidal activity of Tagetes and Mentha arvensis essential oil against the different instar larvae of Culex mosquitoes. Mosquitoes larvae are the attractive goal for pesticides as mosquitoes used to breed in standing water and therefore it is easy to deal with them in this type of habitat. The use of chemical pesticides may introduce harm to the lives of people and environment. Natural pesticides that we obtained from plants are better and promising than this chemical pesticides. Different aromatic plants oils that we obtained are used in different respects. Mosquitoes are the life threatening vectors which cause several harmful diseases like malaria, Zika virus and dengue. This study deals with the essential oils and extracts which work against this life threatening vector. The pesticidal activity of essential oil of Mentha against the mosquitoes larvae is due to its menthol content which is the main aroma spreading component of Mentha . Mosquitoes feed on the blood and severe as the important vector for spreading diseases related to human. Synthetic chemical pesticides are toxic and contaminating our environment. Natural pesticides may serve as a suitable alternative technique in future. The natural pesticides are effective, eco- friendly and safe surroundings. Mentha and Tagetes were tested for their repellency against Culex quinquefasciatus.

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