
Abstract Plots were seeded 19 May with a small plot drill (seeding rate 6 lb/acre) on the Dye Ranch, Pomeroy, WA. Four insecticides were applied 26 Jun at full bloom using a CO2 back pack sprayer calibrated to deliver 20 gpa at 20 psi. All insecticides were buffered to pH 5.0 except for a methyl parathion standard which was left unbuffered to reflect the industry practice. Plots were 20 X 30 ft, replicated 4 times in a RCB design. Treatments were evaluated at 0 (PrCt), 2, 5, 7, and 10 DAT using 2 beats into a white plastic 14 inch diam bucket per replicate, except for cabbage aphid and aphid parasitoids which were visually counted as colonies of aphid per square m2, mean aphids per colony, and parasitoids per aphid colony. CSPW exit holes per 100 pods per replicate and yield data were taken on 2 Aug. Harvest data were collected from m2 samples of canola at the % brown seed pod stage which were dried and processed through a stationary threshing machine. Treatments were made 1 h before sunset at 5 mph wind and 75°F. Total precipitation during the chemical evaluation period was 2.5 inches.

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