
Abstract Squash was planted 2.5 ft apart on raised beds on 7 Sep. Plots consisted of four 25-ft rows spaced 6 ft apart and separated by 15-ft alleys. Beginning on 5 Oct the entire planting was treated weekly with mancozeb (Manzate 200 DF) at a rate of 1.5 lb (AI)/acre to control fungal diseases. Ten insecticide treatments and an untreated control were replicated four times in a randomized complete block design. All treatments were applied on 5, 12, 20, 26 Oct, and 2 Nov with a 2-row, tractor-mounted boom sprayer with 7 Albuz (lilac) ceramic hollow cone nozzles per row (5 nozzles over the row and 2 drop nozzles) delivering 110 gal/acre at 200 psi. Treatments that included JMS Stylet Oil were applied at 400 psi. Including the application dates above, oil was applied twice weekly from 21 Sep until 9 Nov. On 22 Oct and 12 Nov, five plants from the center rows in each plot were examined for SPWF adults, aphids, MW larvae, and PW damage to fruit and blossoms. On 29 Oct two leaves were collected from the lower third of each of three plants in each plot for estimating numbers of immature whiteflies. All SPWF eggs and nymphs were counted on three leaf disks, 0.8 inches in diameter, cut from each leaf.

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