
Abstract Field tests were conducted in ant infested apartments to determine the efficacy of Combat ant bait in plastic bait stations. Bait station placement was dependent upon species specific foraging behavior. For species exhibiting strong to moderate trail following (Argentine, odorous house, thief, and acrobat ants), two bait stations were placed within 5 cm of the trail, approximately 0.5 m apart. The red imported fire ant showed no trail-following in apartments. Two baits were placed 0.5 m apart in areas with ant densities of ≥5 ants per 5 cm2. Bait efficacy was evaluated by determining the reduction in foraging activity 3 d after baiting and by determining if the colony was dead or alive. Foraging activity was determined during daylight hours by counting the number of ants crossing a line drawn across the foraging trail in 5 min, or by counting the total number of ants in a 30 by 30 cm area. Reduction in foraging activity was calculated as the % change in activity. Colonies were located and flagged prior to treatment. There were 10 replicate colonies of each ant species. Baits were examined for evidence of feeding 3 d after treatment.

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