
Abstract Three insecticides were evaluated for control of cutworms to minimize bud damage of grapes in Clarksville, AR. Each of five treatments were applied to 9 randomly selected plots (replicates) containing 3 vines. Vine spacing was 9 ft between rows by 8 ft in the row at 544 vines/acre. Sprays were applied at bud swell on March 31. A hand sprayer was used at 40 psi to apply 0.4 qt/vine (50 gpa) to runoff with an adjustable conejet nozzle. Sampling involved pretreatment (Mar 31) and 1 and 7 day post-treatment counts of the cutworm damaged buds per vine. The first major rainfall was 4 days post-treatment (.26 inches). The cutworm severity was low.

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