
Electron-electron (e-e) correlation and spin-orbit coupling (SOC) are two essential control parameters that determine the physical properties of transition-metal-oxide-based thin films and heterostructures. Here, by harnessing these two parameters, we report the systematic control of both ferromagnetism and in-plane magnetic anisotropy in La0.67Ca0.33MnO3/CaIr1-xRuxO3 (LCMO/CIRO) superlattices grown on NdGaO3 substrates. In these all-oxide epitaxial systems, we demonstrate that the e-e correlation and the SOC depend strongly on the chemical composition of CIRO layers. By simply increasing the Ru doping level x, we can significantly suppress the degradation of ferromagnetism in ultrathin LCMO layers and enhance the TC by ∼90 K. Moreover, we observe a clear reorientation of the magnetic easy axis from orthorhombic [010] to [100] as x decreased to 0, which may originate from the enhanced SOC. Our work provides an insight for utilizing the 4d/5d transition-metal-oxides to tune the functionality of magnetic heterostructures.

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