
Abstract This study was conducted on a creeping bentgrass golf green at the Campbell House Golf Club, Lexington, KY. The green had been topdressed with sand over native soil. Plots (10 X 10 ft) were established in a RCB design with 5 replicates. The target population consisted of mixed instars of both black and bronzed cutworms. Treatments were applied as surface sprays (5 gal/1000 ft2) using pump-type, backpack sprayers equipped with a fan-type nozzle. Plots were treated on 13 Aug. Dursban plots were treated at 11 AM with the spray allowed to dry on the turf surface. Nematode plots were treated 2 h later, followed immediately by irrigation with 0.25 inch of water to all plots. Temperature at the time of the nematode treatment was 74°F, with 76% relative humidity and 4 mph winds. Cutworms were sampled 7 DAT. A frame (6.6 x 6.6 ft) made from PVC pipe was first placed in the center of each plot. Four gallons of an irritant drench (1 oz of Joy liquid detergent/ gal water) were applied to the area defined by the frame using a sprinkling can, and the number of cutworms that surfaced within 10 min was recorded.

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