
Abstract Four high rise poultry houses located in Lancaster Co., PA were used to evaluate residual wall treatments of Atroban 25% WP (permethrin) for controlling adult manure breeding muscid flies. Appli-cations of either 0.25% or 0.5% Atroban sprays were applied by a hand held compressed air sprayer to the manure pit walls of each house at a rate of 1 gal/750 sq ft and in two houses to the posts at 1 gal/375 sq ft. Changes in the adult fly population were monitored by counting the number of flies resting within ft areas marked on both the treated and untreated sections of the pit wall. In addition, the number of flies resting on a 0.5 ft2 area marked on interior posts were cc-unted in two of the houses. The house at Sporting Hill, PA was 44 by 465 ft and housed 60,000 caged layers. The flock had been in place since July’79 and the only fly control measure taken was removing the manure at the end of April. The birds were removed on July 22, house cleaned and disinfected, and a new flock added Aug 8. The 8 ft pit wall consisted of cinder blocks on the lower half and unpainted particle board above. A total of 7 gal of 0.25% Atroban was applied to 63.9% of the wall area in the manure pit on June 23 and Aug 11. The upper area where the birds were housed received 15 lb of New Improved Golden Malrin (Lannate) on Aug 27. The fly population was 100% Muscadomestica. The house at Marietta, PA was 52 by 304 ft and housed 45,000 caged layers. The initial flock had been in place since June’79. Manure wos removed in April and Cygon (dimethoote) was sprayed on the walls in early May. The flock was removed July 1, house cleaned and disinfected, end new birds brought in on July 8. The 8 ft walls consisted of cinder blocks on the bottom and unpainted plywood above. A total of 78.4% of the manure pit walls were treated with 6 gals of 0.5% Atroban on June 2. The same areas were sprayed with 6 gal of 0.25% Atroban on July 16. The fly populotion was composed primarily of Muscadomestica, with an occasional Ophyra. At Mastersonvllle, PA the house was 36 by 436 ft and housed 40,000 caged layers. The flock had been in place since Oct’79 and Poultry Spray and Larvicide (Rabon + Vapona) was applied in March. Manure was removed on April 21. The manure pit walls consisted of 2 ft of cinder blocks on the bottom with 6 ft of prime finished masonite above. A total of 9 gal of 0.5% Atroban spray was applied to 78.8% of the pit wall and half of the posts on April 28. An additional 2 gal of 0.5% Atroban was applied to the posts on May 20. The fly population was 100% Muscadomestico. The house at Penryn, PA was 44 by 478 ft and housed 60,000 caged layers. The flock had been in place since Feb and diesel fuel was applied to the manure in April to suppress fly development. The manure pit wall consisted of 3 ft of cinder block on the bottom and 5 ft of mahogany plywood above. A total of 15 gal of 0.25% Atroban was applied to 100% of the pit wall surface and posts on June 19, July 25, and Oct 3. The manure was removed over a 2 week period from Sept 19 to Oct 3. The fly population consisted of 100% Muscadomestica.

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