
The purpose of this research consists in the development of a floristic, phytocoenological, ecological, cytogenetic, syndamic, economic and environmentally-friendly study of the marshy meadows located in the subalpine peats of the Vlădeasa Mountains. A total of nine phytocoenological surveys were conducted in the most representative sample areas of the phytocenoses of the Eriophoro vaginati-Sphagnetum recurvi association, in order to find adequate answers to the five proposed objectives of the study. The species found as a result of the floristic inventory were included in an association synthetic table by affinity criteria for coenotaxa: alliance, order, class to which they are subordinate. In the results chapter, the phytocoenoses of the association's meadows were analysed statistically based on tables, histograms, diagrams, by weight in ecological categories of bioforms, phytogeographical elements, cytogenetic elements and the ecological behaviour of the species in relation to edaphic moisture, air temperature, and chemical reaction of the soil. The phytocoenoses of the association, the economic and scientific value and the measures of sustainable management and environmentally friendly management of the subalpine meadows were also studied syndamically. The results thus obtained were compared with two reference works belonging to authors who carried out similar research in different geographical regions. We formulate seven findings in which the results of the research are summarized.

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