
After the completion of this research is marked with (per nation's scientists in the Quran sciences through Covenant Albuehi), concluded that some of the results, namely: Despite the interest built tin science all, especially the Koran Science and encourage a large number of scientists, Vmnhohm freedom of intellectual and ideological and doctrinal wide, but that science did not witness what is distinctive and accomplished through Albuehi Testament as what we compare other religious science, as scientists continued mimicking his scientists who them and focused effort, mostly on the subject of the readings, but their efforts are no longer something extraordinary is striking, strange subject that most interested in the science of the readings were linguists or Nhoyen, as some of them did not is a specialist knowledge of the Koran .. The two sects are working side by side to show studies and achievements in the science of the Quran, and have had good outcomes and attempts are ok, because the bulk of the attention of scientists focused on theology and jurisprudence, the Koran, Hadith They were as much as possible follow the two approach conversations sayings of the Prophet and the companions and followers, they did not follow the mental approach of dealing in them, but this was the practice in other sciences curriculum (whether verbal or fiqh). A search Przna Koran scholars names of the year and the most important realizations taxonomic or Altalevah in the field of science of the Quran, as we found that they have great freedom in scientific achievement despite the doctrine built tin, and this brings us to the built tin Their goal was not to suppress talent, but they work various ways to contribute to the seriousness in the field of cognitive sciences and all the terms of reference .. wanted to perpetuate their existence and their role through the promotion of science and supplement the Islamic civilization, what is new. However these were not the contributions of scientists and other contributions to the level of other religious sciences.


  • The two sects are working side by side to show studies and achievements in the science of the Quran, and have had good outcomes and attempts are ok, because the bulk of the attention of scientists focused on theology and jurisprudence, the Koran, Hadith They were as much as possible follow the two approach conversations sayings of the Prophet and the companions and followers, they did not follow the mental approach of dealing in them, but this was the practice in other sciences curriculum

  • A search Przna Koran scholars names of the year and the most important realizations taxonomic or Altalevah in the field of science of the Quran, as we found that they have great freedom in scientific achievement despite the doctrine built tin, and this brings us to the built tin Their goal was not to suppress talent, but they work various ways to contribute to the seriousness in the field of cognitive sciences and all the terms of reference .. wanted to perpetuate their existence and their role through the promotion of science and supplement the Islamic civilization, what is new

  • ‫٘‪ٜٔٛ‬ـ)‪ ،‬ورءة ‪ٖٔٙ‬ب‪.‬‬ ‫(‪ )ٜ‬مفتاح السعادة‪ ،‬جٕ‪ ،‬صٕ‪.ٙ‬‬ ‫(ٓٔ) السيوطي‪ ،‬جلاؿ الديف عبد الػر مف‪(،‬ت ٔٔ‪ٜ‬ىػ‪ٔ٘ٓ٘/‬ـ) ‪ ،‬لبػاب النقػوؿ فػي أسػباب النػزوؿ‪( ،‬المدينػة المنػورة‬ ‫–السعودية)‪( ،‬بلا ت)‪ ،‬ص‪.ٚ‬‬ ‫(ٔٔ) العطار‪ ،‬داود‪ ،‬موجز عموـ القرآف‪ ،‬مطبعة الزى ارء‪( ،‬بيداد –الع ارؽ)‪ ،‬طٔ‪ ،ٜٖٔٚ ،‬ص‪ٔٔٙ‬‬ ‫(ٕٔ) الن اس‪ ،‬ابو جعفر م مد بف ا مد بف اسماعيؿ‪ ،‬الناسا والمنسوخ‪( ،‬القاىرة –مصر)‪ ،‬طٖٕٖٔ‪ٔ،‬ىػ ‪ ،‬ص‪.ٚ‬‬ ‫(ٖٔ) ابف سلامة‪ ،‬ىبو اا‪ ،‬الناسا والمنسوخ‪( ،‬القاىرة –مصر)‪ ،‬طٖ٘ٔٔ‪ٔ،‬ىػ ‪ ،‬صٕٔ‪.‬‬ ‫(ٗٔ) القيسي‪ ،‬مكي بف ابي طالب‪ ،‬الايضاح لناسا القػرآف ومنسػوخو بمعرفػة اصػولو واخػتلاؼ النػاس فيػو‪ ،‬تػي‪ :‬ا مػد‬ ‫سف فر ات‪( ،‬الرياض –السعودية)‪ ،‬طٔ‪( ،‬بلا ت)‪ ،‬ص‪.ٚٛ‬‬ ‫(٘ٔ) القرآف الكريـ‪ ،‬سورة النجـ‪ ،‬الاية (ٖ‪.)ٗ-‬‬ ‫(‪ )ٔٙ‬سورة البقرة‪ ،‬اسية (‪.)ٔٓٙ‬‬ ‫(‪ )ٔٚ‬سورة البقرة‪ ،‬اسية (ٗٗٔ)‪.‬‬ ‫(‪ )ٔٛ‬الزرءػاني ‪ ،‬م مػد عبػد العظػيـ ‪ ،‬مناىػؿ العرفػاف فػي عمػوـ القػ ارف ‪ ( ،‬بيػروت – لبنػاف ) ‪( ،‬بػلا‪.‬ت ) ‪ ،‬جٕ ‪،‬‬

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‫‪-61‬ابن مقسم‪( :‬ت‪413‬هرر ‪711/‬م)‪ :‬وىػو أبػو بكػر م مػد بػف ال سػف بػف مقسػـ بػف يعقػوب‪ ،‬أ ػد‬ ‫القػ ارء بمدينػة السػلاـ‪ ،‬كػاف عالمػاً بالميػة والمػعر‪ ،‬سػم مػف عمػب وروي عنػو‪ ،‬ولػو مػف الكتػب ك يػر‪،‬‬ ‫كتاب " الأنوار في عمـ القرآف" ‪ ،‬وكتػاب " المػدخؿ إلػى عمػـ المػعر" ‪ ،‬وكتػاب " ا تجػاج القػ ارءات"‪،‬‬ ‫وكتػاب فػي " الن ػو كبيػر " وكتػاب " مقصػور وممػدود " وكتػاب "مػذكر ومؤنػث" ‪ ،‬وكتػاب " الوءػؼ‬ ‫والابتػداء "‪ ،‬وكتػاب " عػدد التمػػاـ"‪ ،‬وكتػاب " المصػا ؼ"‪ ،‬وكتػاب "السػػبعة بعمميػا الكبيػر"‪ ،‬وكتػػاب‬ ‫"السػػػبعة الأوسػػػط" ‪،‬وكتػػػاب " الأوسػػػط "‪ ،‬وكتػػػاب "الأصػػػير ويعػػػرؼ بمػػػفاء الصػػػدور" ‪ ،‬كتػػػاب‬

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