
Background: The post-colonial and anti-colonial theories in mathematics education, difference and inclusion led Souza and Skovsmose to create the term deficiencialism. Objective: To present the potential of Jurgen Habermas’s theory of the inclusion of the other to contribute to concepts of inclusive mathematics education. Design: Considering that Habermas is a German philosopher who defends ethical communication to solve social problems, we believe that his concepts can help understand the idea of inclusion in teaching to guide the academic community towards a better understanding and positioning about who the Other is. Setting and participants: Jurgen Habermas (2018, 2019) and Ole Skovsmose (2014). Data collection and analysis: Bibliographical and theoretical study. Results: We found possible similarities between Habermasian theories and the critical mathematics education by Ole Skovsmose, each concept with its particularities converging on ethical communication that can favour a more inclusive mathematics education.

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