
In 2022, the burden of cholera-an acute watery diarrheal disease caused by Vibrio cholerae serogroup O1 (or more rarely O139) bacteria, which produce cholera toxin-remains high in many African and Asian countries. In the last few years, microbial genomics has made it possible to define the bacterial populations responsible for cholera more precisely. It has been shown that the current, seventh pandemic is due to a single lineage with a reservoir in the countries of the Bay of Bengal (India and Bangladesh). There have been several transmissions of the causal agent of cholera from this region to Africa, Asia and Latin America, suggesting a human-to-human transmission of the disease. Microbial genetics can help to fight this scourge by providing insight into cholera epidemiology and through its use in disease monitoring, thereby contributing to the achievement of the World Health Organization's goal of reducing cholera deaths by 90% by 2030.

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