
In this paper, a solution is proposed to predict the finger joint angle using electromyography (EMG) towards application for partial-hand amputees with functional wrist. In the experimental paradigm, the subject was instructed to continuously move one finger (middle finger for able-bodied subjects and index finger for partial-hand amputees) up to the maximum angle of flexion and extension while the wrist was conducting seven different wrist motions. A switching regime, including one linear discriminant analysis (LDA) classifier and fourteen state-space models, was proposed to continuously decode finger joint angles. LDA classifier was used to recognize which static wrist motion that the subject was conducting and choose the corresponding two state-space models for decoding joint angles of the finger with two degrees of freedom (DOFs). The average classification error rate (CER) was 6.18%, demonstrating that these seven static wrist motions along with the continuous movement of the finger could be classified. To improve the classification performance, a preprocessing method, class-wise stationary subspace analysis (cwSSA), was firstly adopted to extract the stationary components from original EMG data. Consequently, the average CER was reduced by 1.82% (p<0.05). The state-space model was adopted to estimate the finger joint angle from EMG. The average estimation performance (index R2) of the two joint angles of the finger across seven static wrist motions achieved 0.843. This result shows that the finger's joint angles can be continuously estimated well while the wrist was conducting different static motions simultaneously. The average accuracy of seven static wrist motions with and without cwSSA and the average estimation performance of the two joint angles of the finger prove that the proposed switching regime is effective for continuous estimation of the finger joint angles under different static wrist motions from EMG.

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