
The Permian Mengkarang Formation was a part of the continental margin (Gondwana Land) which separated in the Devon Period. In this period, Gondwana Land experienced glaciation at the Paleo South Pole. However, the fossils found in Mengkarang Formation were tropical flora, had made the Merangin to be certified as one of the national geoparks. It also shows that the geological process (stratigraphy and tectonic) in the Merangin has occurred before the Indonesian archipelago was formed: namely the Permian to Triassic period. Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) was chosen as an effective geophysical method to study shallow subsurface geology. GPR and seismic reflection method have the same common principle to identify the facies and sub-sequence stratigraphy but they are different in implementation. Therefore, this study aims to deliver the vertical continuity of the Permian Mengkarang Formation in high resolution unit. The GPR result showing the subsurface image is based on dielectric of the rock layers. The GPR sections show the absence of the unconformity delivered in the intercalation between mudstone, sandstone, and tuff. Thus, it can be concluded that the Permian Mengkareng Formation continues up to 20 m depth.

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