
The influence of digital media on child cognitive development is a complex factor that goes beyond screen time. This study investigates the broader impact of digital media on child cognitive development, considering contextual variables such content type, parental mediation, and maternal mental health. Brazilian mothers (N = 212) of children 4–36 months old answered an online survey. Results showed that children’s screen time increases with age. The model with unmediated use, non-educational content, and mother’s screen time explains 28.7 % of children’s screen time variance. Non-educational content and simultaneous screen media use explained 5.3 % of the variance in toddlers’ cognitive development. Mothers with common mental disorders tended not to mediate their children’s media use. We discuss the influence of caregivers' availability to mediate infants' and toddlers' digital media use and its impact on children's cognitive development. These findings underscore the necessity for educational and awareness campaigns aimed at fostering access to high-quality digital content for children during critical stages of development.

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