
Secondary antioxidants inhibit the development of chain reactions of peroxidation of unsaturated fatty acids. In turn, the autonomous nervous system regulates the functioning of internal organs and affects the intensity of metabolic processes in the animal body. However, the question of the content of natural antioxidants in birds, depending on the typological features of autonomous regulation, is not well understood. The purpose of the work was to research the content of natural antioxidants depending on the typological features of the tone of the autonomic nervous system in chickens. For research, chickens of the 35-day-old Cobb-500 cross were used. A study of the typological features of autonomous tone in a research bird was carried out by recording an electrocardiogram and counting one hundred R-R cardio intervals, which were processed by the method of variational pulsometry according to R. M. Baevsky. To determine the effect of autonomic nervous regulation types on the activity of secondary antioxidants in experimental birds, blood samples were taken and the content of tocopherol and retinol was determined. As a result of the researches, it was found that the content of tocopherol and retinol in vagotonic chickens of 35 days old was significantly higher by 13.4 % (P < 0.001) and 14.06 % (P < 0.01) than in sympathotonic chickens, respectively. Reliable correlations between the increase in tocopherol activity and the level of retinol in chickens with a sympathotonic type of autonomic nervous system were revealed. Determination of the content of natural antioxidants of chickens depending on the types of the atomic nervous system makes it possible to identify the bird with the highest stress resistance and antioxidant protection. This creates the conditions for the distribution of chickens depending on typological characteristics and makes it possible to identify chickens at an early stage of development; they need more vitamin supplements with antioxidant properties, as well as to prevent a decrease in growth due to the formation of oxidative stress during the entire growing period.


  • Secondary antioxidants inhibit the development of chain reactions of peroxidation of unsaturated fatty acids

  • Content of natural antioxidants depending on typological features of autonomous regulation in chickens

  • The purpose of the work was to research the content of natural antioxidants depending on the typological features of the tone of the autonomic nervous system in chickens

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Content of natural antioxidants depending on typological features of autonomous regulation in chickens. The question of the content of natural antioxidants in birds, depending on the typological features of autonomous regulation, is not well understood. The purpose of the work was to research the content of natural antioxidants depending on the typological features of the tone of the autonomic nervous system in chickens. To determine the effect of autonomic nervous regulation types on the activity of secondary antioxidants in experimental birds, blood samples were taken and the content of tocopherol and retinol was determined. Питання щодо вмісту екзогенних антиоксидантів у птиці в залежності від типологічних особливостей автономної регуляції є недостатньо вивченим. Метою роботи було дослідження вмісту природніх антиоксидантів залежно від типологічних особливостей тонусу автономної нервової системи у курей.

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