
The article deals with the analysis of the peculiarities of the manifestation of deviant behavior by minors, its causes and main types: delinquent, addictive, psychopathological behavior. It is noted that work with children with deviant behavior is a special area of social work, the essence of which is prevention of deviations, creation of conditions for successful socialization or resocialization of deviants to overcome their personal problems and conflicts with others.The main principles of the State Standard of Social Prevention Services regarding the prevention of deviant behavior of minors at the primary, secondary and tertiary levels are described.The peculiarities of preventive measures in the work of the Social Services Center within each of the levels of prevention are defined and analyzed, and the requirements for specialists in the prevention of behavioral deviations of the personality are outlined, in particular: possessing knowledge about the essence of social prevention and the organization of prevention of negative behavioral deviations, the ability to apply technologies for overcoming behavioral deviations, etc. The peculiarities of interaction between the Center for Social Services, educational institutions and juvenile prevention departments for the prevention of behavioral deviations of a negative nature in adolescents are described, and the main methods of such interaction are identified: administrative, coordination, socio-psychological. It is noted that the coordination methods of interaction between the Center of Social Services, educational institutions and juvenile prevention departments make the greater contribution in the realization of their common goals – the prevention of deviant behavior of minors. It is summarized that the prevention of deviant behavior of minors as an area of the Centers of Social Services activity is a complex socio-psychological complex of consecutive, interconnected steps aimed at regulating their value orientations, motivations, attitudes and behavior. The system of preventive measures of the Center for Social Services is comprehensive and affects both as a child and the social environment.

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