
The paper discusses Vitally Important Social Project addressing women imprisoned for life in Ukraine, which consists of an opera performance, a photo exhibition, and a series of conferences in several cities of Ukraine. The grounds of the project were considered, namely the problem of attitude towards life prisoners in Ukraine and the legislation that regulates their rights and the possibility of early release. The study offers a holistic analysis of the music theater performance PENITA.opera in its connection with the current social problems of Ukrainian society. It was revealed that contemporary art projects are an effective tool in launching important social and political discussions. At the same time, the unusual themes of contemporary opera require its genre and type transformation, and the modification of established art forms. It is noteworthy that the short-term complex project, after its formal completion, has continued its life in the format of a repertoire performance of the Kyiv National Operetta. In conclusion, the article defines the role of social art projects in creating a common field for public debate. The characters of the documentary opera and photo exhibition evoke empathy in the viewer, and the art projects themselves bring together like-minded people who, by means of communication, convey new values to the public, join the media discussion, and influence public opinion and prompt fundamental changes in legislation. Since the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, the topic of colonies, imprisonment, and oppression has gained new relevance, and Vitally Important Social Project has become a part of a powerful postcolonial movement in Ukraine.

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