
Volume 31, published quarterly in 2013, contained 51 articles and 835 pages contributed by more than 100 authors and co-authors from a variety of topic areas as defined by the Journal of Economic Literature classification system. Table 1 provides a distribution of published articles classified by JEL topic area in Volume 31. The number of papers, pages, and authors represented in Volume 31 represent significant increases from Volume 30. Contemporary Economic Policy (CEP) strives to publish papers from all topic areas in economics, and Table 1 shows broad coverage across the discipline. TABLE 1 2013 Manuscripts Published by JEL (a) Topic Area Code # Article JEL Field Primary All (a) Code Codes Code A General Economics & Teaching 0 0 B Methodology & History of Economic Thought 0 1 C Mathematical & Quantitative Economics 1 3 D Microeconomics 9 7 E Macroeconomics & Monetary Economics 7 4 F International Economics 4 8 G Financial Economics 3 4 H Public Economics 3 9 1 Health. Education & Welfare 7 13 J Labor & Demographic Economics 6 8 K Law & Economics 3 7 L Industrial Organization 2 12 M Business Administration & Business Economics, 0 2 Marketing, Accounting N Economic History 0 0 0 Economic Development, Technological Change & 3 7 Growth P Economic Systems 0 1 Q Agricultural & Natural Resource Economics 2 3 R Urban, Rural & Regional Economics 2 6 Z Other Special Topics 0 0 Total 52 95 (a) Journal of Economic Literature. THE EDITORIAL TEAM The CEP 2013 editorial team remained unchanged from the one in place in 2012. The editor and co-editors are, as always, extremely appreciative of the significant contribution to the success of CEP made by Kaulene Gellerman, editorial assistant. CEP could not function without her efforts. The editorial team also thanks the authors, the referees, the editorial board, and the staff at Wiley Blackwell for their efforts in making CEP an important resource in economics, public administration, and to policy analysts worldwide. In 2013 I moved to the Department of Economics at West Virginia University (WVU), after spending the previous 6 years in the Department of Economics at the University of Alberta. The University of Alberta was very supportive of my activities as co-editor and Editor-in-Chief of CEP during my tenure there, and I thank my department, faculty, and the University administration for their support. I anticipate that WVU will continue to support my editorial activities in the future. JOURNAL STATISTICS During the 2013 publishing cycle 210 manuscripts were submitted for review to CEP. There were 45 manuscripts submitted from the Seattle Annual Conference and Tokyo Pacific Rim Conference, and 165 non-conference submissions. At this time, 26 manuscripts have been accepted for publication, and 137 rejected with 27 decisions pending. The overall acceptance rate is expected to be approximately 20%. Active participation in the annual conferences of the Western Economic Association International is encouraged by editors and members of the editorial board. …

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