
Volume 29, published quarterly in 2011, contained 46 articles (638 pages) contributed by 90 authors and co-authors from a variety of topic areas as defined by the Journal of Economic Literature classification system. Table 1 provides a distribution of published articles classified by JEL topic area. TABLE 1 2011 Manuscripts Published by JEL* Topic Area Code # Articles JFX* Field Primary All Code Code Codes A General Economics & and Teaching B Methodology & History of Economic Though! C Mathematical & 2 9 Quantitative Economics D Microeconomics 7 4 E Macroeconomics & Monetary 5 7 Economics F International Economics 2 4 G Financial Economics 1 4 H Public Economics 5 13 I Health, Education & 8 8 Welfare J Labor & Demographic 8 13 Economics K Law & Economics 2 1 L Industrial Organization 1 12 M Business Admin. & Business Economics. Marketing, Accounting N Economic History 1 O Economic Development. 2 8 Technological Change & Growth P Economic Systems 1 Q Agricultural & Natural 2 4 Resource Economics R Urban. Rural & Regional 3 Economics Z Other Special Topics 1 Total 45 93 * Journal of Economic Literature. THE EDITORIAL TEAM 2011 saw a complete makeover of the CEP editorial team. The 2010 the editorial team included Editor in Chief Wade Martin and co-editors Robert Michaels from California State University, Fullerton, Jack W. Hou and Steve Yamarik from California State University, Long Beach, Brad R. Humphreys from the University of Alberta, and Robert P. Berrens from the University of New Mexico. Beginning in July 2011 Brad Humphreys became Editor in Chief. The new editorial team includes Brock Blomberg from Claremont McKenna College, Craig Depken from the University of North Carolina, Charlotte, and Michael Ward from the University of Texas at Arlington. The new editorial team thanks the previous editorial team for their outstanding service to the journal and their continued work on previously submitted articles still in the publication process. I personally thank Wade Martin for his mentoring, advice, help, and outstanding stewardship of CEP. The previous and new editor and co-editors are very appreciative of the significant contribution to the success of CEP made by Kaulene Gellerman, editorial assistant. CEP could not function without her efforts. The editorial team also thanks the authors, the referees, the editorial board and the staff at Wiley-Blackwell Publishing for their efforts in making Contemporary Economic Policy an important resource in economics, public administration and to policy analysts worldwide. JOURNAL STATISTICS Active participation in the annual conferences of the Western Economic Association International is encouraged by editors and members of the editorial board. At the 2011 annual meeting in San Diego, California, CEP sponsored 26 sessions out of 279 (9% of the total sessions). I would like to thank former coeditor Jack Hou for his efforts in organizing 20 of these sessions. The WEAL conferences provided approximately 9% of our total manuscript submissions for 2011. During the 2011 publishing cycle 199 manuscripts were submitted for review to CEP. There were 20 manuscripts submitted from the San Diego and Brisbane conferences and 179 non-conference submissions. …

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