
This article raises the question of the mutual relation between theology and prayer. Theology is knowledge about God – the Holiest – and should carry out research in a holy manner, contributing to the holiness of the person who is connected with theology as a teacher or a student. The question of the relation between theology and prayer belongs to the most fundamental issues concerning the method of theology to which we should constantly refer as to an important source of guidelines for today. This article first focuses on certain statements which appeared in the past centuries and which discussed the relation between theology and prayer, trying to find the adequate approach to the spiritual and scientific situation in the field of theology in those times. After this introduction, it presents the view that prayer may be used in service of theology. Theology, on the other hand, in its full and traditional sense, is total and complete only then, when it constitutes the foundation of piety and leads to prayer. Theology through prayer can permeate the inner life opening itself to the state when we belong to God who resides in our heart.

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