
When a liquid metal spreads on the surface of a solid metal with which it reacts chemically, a transit ion zone forms at their interface consisting of one or more intermediate phases. The effect of an intermetal l ic compound layer appearing at a contact boundary on the kinetics of spreading and the formation of a transit ion zone has not yet received sufficient study. In view of this, it was considered of interest to investigate the contact react ion at the liquid me ta l / i n t e rme ta l l i c compound boundary forming, in part icular , in the Sn-Ni system. A study was made of the s t ruc tures and phase compositions of the transi t ion zones forming under conditions of spreading experiments in the liquid t i n -n i cke l and liquid t i n -n i cke l stannide (Ni3Sn and NisSn2) sys tem s.

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