
Abstract To determine the contact activity of various proprietary and commercial total release aerosols (TRA), 4 common household insect pests were exposed to the output of aerosols used at 28 g per 28.3 m3 (1 oz/100 ft3). Tests were conducted in vacant apartments ca 85 to 170m3. Insects in the test included cat fleas, German cockroaches, confused flour beetles and firebrats. Based on discharge rates per second, an appropriate amount of material from each TRA was released at a central location in an apartment. Insects were confined in open containers at 3 separate locations in the room where the TRA was released at a central location in an apartment. Insects were confined in open containers at 3 separate locations in the room where the TRA was released. The exposure sites were 0.6 m from the device and 0.6 m from each other. Insects were exposed for 4 h to the output of each TRA. Cockroaches (GC), beetles (CFB) and firebrats (F) were exposed while on filter paper fastened to the bottom of 9 cm-diameter glass petri dishes. About 20 adult cat fleas (CF-A) were exposed inside special cylinders constructed from cut and reassembled 0.9-liter glass jars. The jars were cut and glued together so that they made a cylinder about 36 cm tall that was threaded at each end to receive a canning ring. Cat flea larvae (CF-L), 10 3rd-instar per replicate, were exposed on 3.1 cm2 discs of filter paper fastened to the bottom of shortened glass vials. In tests with cockroaches, the inner vertical surface of the dishes were coated with Teflon T-30 emulsion and plexiglass rings 4 cm tall coated with Teflon were taped to the petri dishes to ensure that the insects would not escape during the period of exposure. Ten adult male cockroaches and 15 adult beetles or firebrats were used per replicate. All exposed insects were returned to the laboratory in closed containers and held overnight. Average percent mortality was calculated 20 h after the 4-h exposure to each TRA.

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