ABSTRACTOBJECTIVE To describe the magnitude of consumption of ultra-processed foods in the adult population (≥ 18 years old) in the capitals of the 27 federative units of Brazil, as well as its association with sociodemographic variables.METHODS Data used in this study stem from participants (n = 52,443) of the 2019 wave of the annual survey of the “National surveillance system for risk and protective factors for chronic diseases by telephone survey” (Vigitel). The consumption of ultra-processed foods was described based on a score, corresponding to the sum of positive responses to questions about consumption on the previous day of thirteen subgroups of ultra-processed foods frequently consumed in Brazil. Poisson regression models were used to describe the crude and adjusted associations between high consumption of ultra-processed foods (scores ≥ 5) and sex, age group, and level of education.RESULTS The frequency of high consumption of ultra-processed foods was 18.2% (95% CI 17.4–19.0). With or without adjustment for other sociodemographic variables, this frequency was significantly lower in females and decreased linearly with age. In the crude analysis, there was an increase in the frequency of high consumption from the lower level to the intermediate level of education and a decrease in this consumption from the intermediate level to the upper level. In the analysis adjusted for sex and age, the frequency of high consumption of ultra-processed foods was significantly lower at the higher level of education (12 or more years of study), with no differences between the other levels.CONCLUSION Ultra-processed foods are consumed with high frequency in the adult Brazilian population in the 27 capitals of the federation. Being male, younger and having less education than university are conditions that increase, independently, the consumption of these foods.
Caroline dos Santos CostaI,II, Isabela Fleury SattaminiII, Eurídice Martinez SteeleI,II, Maria Laura da Costa LouzadaII,III, Rafael Moreira ClaroII,IV, Carlos Augusto MonteiroII,III
São eles: refrigerantes; suco de fruta em caixa, caixinha ou lata; refresco em pó; bebida achocolatada; iogurte com sabor; salgadinho de pacote ou biscoito/bolacha salgado; biscoito/ bolacha doce, biscoito recheado ou bolinho de pacote; chocolate, sorvete, gelatina, flan ou outra sobremesa industrializada; salsicha, linguiça, mortadela ou presunto; pão de forma, de cachorro-quente ou de hambúrguer; maionese, ketchup ou mostarda; margarina; macarrão instantâneo, sopa de pacote, lasanha congelada ou outro prato pronto comprado congelado
Os que alcançaram maiores frequências de consumo foram: margarina (42,6%); pão de forma, de cachorro-quente ou de hambúrguer (32,8%); refrigerante (27,7%); salsicha, linguiça, mortadela ou presunto (26,5%); chocolate, sorvete, gelatina, flan ou outra sobremesa industrializada (25,6%); salgadinho de pacote ou biscoito/bolacha salgado (23,9%); e biscoito/bolacha doce, biscoito recheado ou bolinho de pacote (21,3%)
As entrevistas do sistema Vigitel são realizadas ao longo dos doze meses do ano através de ligações telefônicas feitas por operadores treinados. Em 2019, o questionário do Vigitel incluiu um módulo de questões sobre o consumo no dia anterior (sim ou não) de 13 subgrupos de alimentos ultraprocessados, selecionados dentre aqueles mais consumidos no Brasil segundo o inquérito nacional de consumo alimentar realizado como parte da Pesquisa de Orçamentos Familiares (POF) do IBGE de 2008–20096. São eles: refrigerantes; suco de fruta em caixa, caixinha ou lata; refresco em pó; bebida achocolatada; iogurte com sabor; salgadinho de pacote (ou chips) ou biscoito/bolacha salgado; biscoito/ bolacha doce, biscoito recheado ou bolinho de pacote; chocolate, sorvete, gelatina, flan ou outra sobremesa industrializada; salsicha, linguiça, mortadela ou presunto; pão de forma, de cachorro-quente ou de hambúrguer; maionese, ketchup ou mostarda; margarina; macarrão instantâneo, sopa de pacote, lasanha congelada ou outro prato pronto comprado congelado
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