
Exam preparation, reskilling and certification, casual learning, higher education language, and primary and secondary supplemental education are some of the areasthat make up the online education sector. With a predicted CAGR of 46.48 percent, the market for online primary and secondary supplemental education would increase in value from INR 11.99 billion in 2018 to INR 123.65 billion by 2024. A shift in consumer behaviour toward detailed learning and an increase in demand from tier IIand tier III cities are what are fuelling the growth of this industry. From 2019 to 2024, the market for online reskilling and certification is projected to expand at a CAGR of 36.95 percent, reaching INR 93.81 Bn. The growing skill gap among workers brought on by the growing business environment is driving up the demand for reskilling programmes. The market for online higher education is expected to increase at a CAGR of 40.74 percent from 2019 to 2024 to reach INR 40.63 billion, from an estimated value of INR 5.01 billion in 2018. Because the traditional educational system cannot meet the demands of the growing population, students are turning to online higher education courses. This paper throws light on the importance of online education, and percentage of people relying on online education and their dependency on the various courses and the features of it in particular. Keywords: E-learning, Online, Certifications, Programmes.

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