
RESUMO A presente pesquisa analisa as marcas literárias e jornalísticas presentes no livro Chico Mendes: crime e castigo, do periodista brasileiro Zuenir Ventura. O artigo busca compreender como o livro-reportagem ora em estudo utiliza os elementos da literatura para compor a tessitura da narrativa jornalístico-literária. O escopo do trabalho centra-se na assimilação de uma característica peculiar à narrativa do livro-reportagem, centrada na construção cena a cena. Será utilizado como arcabouço teórico de Mikhail Bakhtin e o Círculo, cujas análises ajudam a compreender as imbricações entre as narrativas jornalísticas, históricas e literárias.


  • This study is based on the theories of Mikhail Bakhtin and the Circle, which help to understand the overlap of journalistic, historical and literary narratives

  • The purpose of this paper is to analyze the overlap of journalistic and literary narratives, by trying to understand how the plot in Chico Mendes: Crime e Castigo [Chico Mendes: Crime and Punishment] is constructed in connection with the representative nuances that refer to fact1 and fiction

  • The concept of “fiction” is presented in Chico Mendes: Crime e Castigo [Chico Mendes: Crime and Punishment] as a dimension that mediates history, literature and journalism – as its literary-factual discourse proposes a “truth” that corresponds to the boundaries of cultural, social and political realities

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The purpose of this paper is to analyze the overlap of journalistic and literary narratives, by trying to understand how the plot in Chico Mendes: Crime e Castigo [Chico Mendes: Crime and Punishment] is constructed in connection with the representative nuances that refer to fact and fiction. The concept of “fiction” is presented in Chico Mendes: Crime e Castigo [Chico Mendes: Crime and Punishment] as a dimension that mediates history, literature and journalism – as its literary-factual discourse proposes a “truth” that corresponds to the boundaries of cultural, social and political realities. By introducing new possibilities of analyzing “reality” and of surfacing the conceptual apparatus through which facts are ordered in discourse, New Journalism provides a number of instruments that lead to deeper readings of the construction of the journalistic text and to a meticulous analysis of the world. Lloyd Kramer (1989, p.104) states that “history can never be entirely separated from literature or philosophy, or other disciplinary languages, though it can never be identical to those other discourses either.” according to him, “rethinking the boundaries of language provides a means for rethinking and expanding the boundaries of history” (KRAMER, 1989, p.104).

The reportage book Chico Mendes
Scene-by-Scene Construction
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