Constructivism-based learning module research aims to analyze the effect of using the module on the creative thinking of junior high school students regarding the interaction of living things and their environment. This quasi-experimental study used the Pretest Posttest Control Group design with the research subjects being grade VII students of SMP Negeri 2 Kampar. At the beginning of the implementation, students were given creative thinking pretest questions, then students studied constructivism-based learning modules and were given posttest questions. The parameters of creative thinking are 4 indicators, each indicator has 5 questions. Hypothesis analysis using t-test. The results showed that the control class has an average pretest of 61.75 (quite creative). Meanwhile, in the experimental classhas an average posttest of 81.25 (creative). The results of hypothesis testing show tcount > ttable with a value of 3.891 > 2.010. In conclusion, the use of constructivism-based learning modules has an effect on increasing students' creative thinking regarding the interaction of living things and their environment.
Human resources need improvement in the quality of education
From the observations made in class VII obtained several problems in the learning process, namely: (1) limited and less varied teaching materials, (2) teachers have not used learning modules that are able to make students learn independently and build their own concepts based on activities that take place in activities teaching and learning, (3) students are not fluent in generating ideas, asking questions, answering questions, and expressing ideas; (4) students' ideas are less varied to see a discourse from different angles; (5) students' thinking is not new and the ideas given are not detailed
This study aims to determine the effect of constructivism-based learning modules on students' creative thinking in the interaction of living things and their environment
Human resources need improvement in the quality of education. Where students must be active, able to think at higher levels to form a good attitude. Education has a goal to develop the potential of students to become human beings who are faithful, devoted, have noble character, have knowledge, think creatively, and act independently in accordance with the function of national education in the Law of the Republic of Indonesia in 2003 (Rahardjanto, 2019). From the observations made in class VII obtained several problems in the learning process, namely: (1) limited and less varied teaching materials, (2) teachers have not used learning modules that are able to make students learn independently and build their own concepts based on activities that take place in activities teaching and learning, (3) students are not fluent in generating ideas, asking questions, answering questions, and expressing ideas; (4) students' ideas are less varied to see a discourse from different angles; (5) students' thinking is not new and the ideas given are not detailed
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