
This study aimed to evaluate the removal of chemical oxygen demand (COD), total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), total ammonia nitrogen (TAN), total phosphorus (TP), ibuprofen, acetaminophen and ethinylestradiol of synthetic effluent simulating low-strength sewage by sequencing-batch mode constructed wetlands (CWs). To verify the feasibility of using a floating macrophyte in CWs and compare different substrates, three CWs containing light expanded clay aggregates (CWL), expanded clay with porcelain tiles (CWLP) and bricks (CWB) were planted with Pistia stratiotes. The results showed that CWB achieved the highest removals of TKN (78%), TAN (70%) and TP (46%), and CWLP achieved the highest COD removal (75%). LECA favored the removal of ibuprofen (92%, p < 0.05) when compared to bricks (77%), probably by the combination of biodegradation and sorption in the systems. The highest acetaminophen removal (71% to 96%) was observed in CWL, probably via biodegradation, but no significant differences were found between the CWs (p > 0.05). Ethinylestradiol was removed 76% in CWLP and 73% in CWB, both differing statistically from CWL (p < 0.05), demonstrating that brick and the combination of clay with porcelain were better than just clay in this hormone removal. After 188 days of operation, P. stratiotes was able to uptake nitrogen and phosphorus of approximately 0.28 g and 0.25 g in CWL, 0.33 g and 0.21 g CWLP, and 0.22 g and 0.09 g in CWB of, respectively. Adsorption of nitrogen and phosphorus onto the substrates was 0.48 g and 6.84 g in CWL, 0.53 g and 5.69 g in CWLP, and 0.36 g and 10.18 g in CWB, respectively. The findings on this study suggest that adsorption was possible the main process for TP removal onto the evaluated substrates whereas microbial activity was the most probable mechanism for TN removal in the evaluated CW systems.

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