
The study aimed at : - Construction scale of sport self- efficiency in gymnastic lesson for students of the department of the sport education in college of basic education in mousl university. - evaluating the level of sport self- efficiency in gymnastic lesson for students of the department of the sport education in college of basic education in mousl university . - expounding the relation between sport self- efficiency with final practical performance in gymnastic lesson for students of the department of the sport education in college of basic education in mosul university . The researchers adopted the descriptive method with survey style, because it’s the most suitable method for these research . the subject sample included the students of ( sophomore and junior stage ) in the department of the sport education in college of basic education in mosul university for the year ( 2007-2008 ) .the subject sample consisted of (97 ) students but the subject sample was the same subject of society Which divided into two sample , construction sample ( 63 ) students , and they selected ( 65 %) randomly from the society , and application sample ( 34 ) students at the rate of ( 35 % ) from the society , and the two researchers used scale of sport self- efficiency in gymnastic lesson which made by the two researchers to raise data , and construction steps included :- identify the scale axises- the first pilot-study determining the elements draft etems every field in its primary amage . the validity of content – face validity – statistical analysis of the items using the methods of ( two opposite groups and internal consistency ) , stability , the two researchers used the following statistical tools : ( arithmetic mean , mode , standard deviation , carl persons coefficient , simple correlation coefficient , and T- Test for one sample and two sample , hypothetical mean and percentage . The researchers concluded the following :- - a measure of self- efficiency was prepared to measure the level of sport self- efficiency in gymnastic lesson for the students of the department of sport education in college of basic education in mosule university . - the students of the department of sport education in college of basic education in mousl university in general they have agood sport self- efficiency level which may give them an impulse in practical performance . - there was relation between the level of sport self- efficiency and practical performance in gymnastic lesson for the students of department of sport education in college of basic education in mousl university .


  • The study aimed at : - Construction scale of sport self- efficiency in gymnastic lesson for students of the department of the sport education in college of basic education in mousl university. - evaluating the level of sport self- efficiency in gymnastic lesson for students of the department of the sport education in college of basic education in mousl university . - expounding the relation between sport self- efficiency with final practical performance in gymnastic lesson for students of the department of the sport education in college of basic education in mosul university

  • The researchers concluded the following :‬‬‫‪- a measure of self- efficiency was prepared to measure the level of sport‬‬ ‫‪self- efficiency in gymnastic lesson for the students of the department of‬‬ ‫‪sport education in college of basic education in mosule university .‬‬ ‫‪- the students of the department of sport education in college of basic‬‬ ‫‪education in mousl university in general they have agood sport self‬‬‫‪efficiency level which may give them an impulse in practical‬‬ ‫‪performance .‬‬ ‫‪- there was relation between the level of sport self- efficiency and‬‬ ‫‪practical performance in gymnastic lesson for the students of department‬‬ ‫‪of sport education in college of basic education in mousl university .‬‬

  • ‫التربیة الاساسیة في جامعة الموصل ‪.‬‬ ‫ویعزو الباحثان هذه النتیجة إلى ان فاعلیة الذات ترتبط بالقدرة الحقیقیـة للفـرد بالنـسبة لأداء‬ ‫معین وسبق له أدائه من قبل‪ ،‬اذ ان الطالب الذي یقوم باداء مهـارة حركیـة علـى جهـاز معـین مـن‬ ‫اجهـزة الجمناسـتك وسـبق لـه تعلـم هـذه المهـارة وكررهـا لعـدة مـ ارت بنجـاح اثنـاء التـدریب‪ ،‬ونتیجـة‬ ‫لذلك سیمتلك هنا درجة عالیة من فاعلیـة الـذات فـي أداء هـذه المهـارة الحركیـة المركبـة عنـد أدائهـا‬ ‫في الامتحان‪ ،‬والطالب الـذي یمتلـك درجـة منخفـضة مـن فاعلیـة الـذات‪ ،‬والتـي تولـدت نتیجـة فـشله‬ ‫في أداء مهارة حركیـة معینـة أو مجموعـة مهـا ارت مركبـة سـوف یـؤدي ذلـك إلـى نفـس النتـائج التـي‬ ‫حققهـا الطالـب ذو فاعلیـة الـذات العالیـة‪ ،‬وهـذا مـا اكـده )میجنـو( و)بیركینـز( فـي د ارسـتهم‪ ،‬والتـي‬ ‫اظهرت على وجه العموم " وجود علاقة موجبة بـین توقعـات فاعلیـة الـذات للفـرد‪ ،‬وادائـه الحركـي‪،‬‬ ‫وان الریاضیین الاكثر نجاحاً یظهرون توقعات فاعلیة ذات اعلى من الریاضیین الاقل نجاحاً " ) ‪,‬‬

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‫‪ ٣-٣‬اداة البحث‬ ‫نظ ار لعدم وجود مقیاس لقیاس مستوى فاعلیة الـذات الریاضـیة فـي مـادة الجمناسـتك لطـلاب‬ ‫قسم التربیة الریاضیة بكلیة التربیة الاساسیة في جامعة الموصل‪ ،‬قام الباحثان ببنـاء هـذا المقیـاس‬ ‫لیــتلائم ومجتمــع البحــث الحــالي‪ ،‬اذ یــتم بنــاء المقــاییس والاختبــا ارت " عنــدما تكــون الاختبــا ارت‬ ‫المنــشورة فــي الم ارجــع والــدوریات العلمیــة المتخصــصة غیــر مناســبة للبیئــة المحلیــة " )رضــوان‪،‬‬

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