
Massive open online courses (MOOCs) have become a mainstream form of online learning. At present, various countries are vigorously developing MOOC platforms, which provide a helpful platform for people to acquire knowledge and skills. However, the quality of each MOOC platform is different, which is a challenge for learners seeking excellent courses. Since the evaluation of MOOC quality is a multiple criteria decision-making issue, it is important to find the major dimensions and criteria that determine the quality of platforms. This paper determines the weight of each dimension and criterion by using the best worst method (BWM). The results indicate that content accuracy has the greatest impact on MOOC quality. This paper selected five well-known domestic MOOC websites as research objects and used the VIKOR analysis method to rank the platform quality of the five chosen websites. The results show that IMOOC and Xuedong are ranked as the top two websites. This research result helps learners deepen their understanding of MOOC platforms and can serve as a reference for MOOC platforms to improve their quality. Techniques to reduce the uncertainty of expert judgments (such as rough sets, fuzzy theory, grey correlation, etc.) and models that clarify the influence relationship between criteria (DEMATEL-ANP) can be applied in future research.


  • With the rapid development of internet information technology, the emergence of online education has changed traditional teaching methods, learning methods across time and space have been realized, and learning channels have become flexible and diverse

  • This study found that user trust could be used as an indicator of the social interaction dimension

  • For the best worst method (BWM), the decision maker does not need to compare all of the criteria as in the traditional analytic hierarchy process

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With the rapid development of internet information technology, the emergence of online education has changed traditional teaching methods, learning methods across time and space have been realized, and learning channels have become flexible and diverse. MOOC education is very popular, it has many problems, such as a low completion rate of students’ courses, a lack of motivation for learning, difficult self-regulation of learning, wasted course resources, and an inability to adapt to the complex and changeable online education. These problems have led to low passing rates and uneven evaluation systems for MOOCs. Cabrera and Fernández-Ferrer [1] mentioned that the teaching limitation of MOOCs was teaching evaluation activity and that it was necessary to explore many online evaluation systems to make MOOCs a new teaching and learning method in the future and to ensure the survival and development of MOOCs. We tried to establish a set of scientific, effective, and reasonable MOOC platform quality evaluation index systems that fills the research gap. The decision maker identifies n indicators for decision making { Z1 , Z2 , Z3 , . . . , Zn }

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