
Recent clinical success with targeted covalent inhibitors points to new possibilities for development of protein kinase (PK)-targeted drugs by exploiting reactive cysteine residues in and around the ATP-binding site. However, more than 300 human PKs lack cysteine residues in the ATP-binding site. Here, we report the first covalent bisubstrate PK inhibitor whose electrophilic warhead reaches outside the ATP-binding site and reacts with a distant cysteine residue. A series of covalent inhibitors and their reversible counterparts were synthesized and characterized. The most potent reversible inhibitor possessed picomolar affinity and its cysteine-reactive counterpart revealed high value of kinact/KI ratio (6.2 × 107 M-1 s-1) for the reaction with the catalytic subunit of cAMP-dependent PK (PKAc). Under optimized conditions, fluorescent dye-labeled covalent inhibitors demonstrated PKA-selectivity in the cell lysate and reacted with several proteins inside live cells, including PKAc. The disclosed compounds serve as leads for targeting PKs possessing an analogously positioned cysteine residue.

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