
Background: Molecular logic circuits have great potential applications. DNA logic circuit is an important research direction of DNA computing in nanotechnology. DNA self-assembly has become a powerful tool for building nanoscale structures. The combination of different self-assembly methods is an interesting topic. Aim: Two different self-assembly methods are combined to realize large-scale logic circuit. A basic logical unit is extended to complex logic circuits by self-assembly. Approach: The complex logic circuit is solved by combining nanoparticles. One DNA strand attached to nanoparticle maps to a logical unit. Just as the combination between logical units can form logic circuits, the combination between nanoparticles can be used to structure logic circuits. On a larger-scale logic circuits, this is done by attaching the assembled nanoparticles to an origami template. Different logical values are mapped into different DNA initiators. Results: After the reaction is over, the nanoparticles are dynamically separated from the DNA origami template, indicating that the result is true. The nanoparticles remain on the DNA origami template, indicating that the result is false. The simulation results show that this self-assembly model is highly feasible for complex logic circuits. Conclusions: The model combines two different self-assembly methods to realize large-scale logic circuits. Compared with previous models, this model implements a larger logic circuit on one origami template. This method can be used to construct more complex nanosystems and may have potential applications in molecular engineering.

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