
AbstractWe report here the construction of a promoter‐probe vector, pRS2, which can be utilized in either Acetobacter methanolicus MB 58 or Escherichia coli due to the presence of broad‐host‐range replicon RSF 1010. The vector provides several unique restriction sites for promoter cloning as well as resistance markers for the selection of transformants. The promoter‐probe vector was constructed by inserting an EcoRI‐SalI‐polylinker fragment of pUC 19 into EcoRI/SalI digested pMK 16. The resulting plasmid, pRS1, was cloned into the unique EcoRI site of the broad‐host‐range plasmid RSF 1010.The vector was used to clone promoter‐containing sequences derived from the A. methanolicus MB 58 chromosome as well as the E. coli lac‐promoter.

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