
The article describes the construction of a unique bridge crossing in Dubna, Moscow Region. Design work started at the beginning of the 2000s. Several options were suggested, clients and design companies changed several times. In 2016, the construction of the bridge crossing over the Volga started. “Institute Giprostroymost” JSC was chosen as a general designer. A range of engineering surveying was carried out and work paper was worked out by the company. The location of the city on the banks of the Volga determined a sustained transport problem. The shortest crossing of the right and left banks was provided by Ivankovskaya hydropower plant. Actual traffic capacity of the crossing was not enough, and this led to regular traffic congestion. The nearest bridge was situated at the distance of 30 km, in the town of Kimry in the Tverskaya Region. The transport infrastructure situation hampered the development of the “Dubna” special economic zone of technology and innovation type which includes an innovation territorial cluster of nuclear-physical and nanotechnologies as well as the city of Dubna itself. Transport accessibility to the Federal Data Processing Centre of the Federal Tax Service of Russia was also limited. The bridge crossing has 4 lanes and consists of motor road approaches and a highway bridge. Shipping length of the bridge with approaches is 1939,93 m. Shipping length together with the length of the ramps is 2997,99 m. Total length of the bridge crossing accounts for 1 166,25 m. Central navigation span is 168,0 m. The construction of the bridge crossing was carried out within the minimum time limit. 24 months after the erection of the bridge started, in November 2018, the bridge was put into operation.


  • The article describes the construction of a unique bridge crossing in Dubna, Moscow Region

  • Design work started at the beginning of the 2000s

  • In 2016, the construction of the bridge crossing over the Volga started

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Войцещук Наталья Андреевна

С начала двухтысячных годов администрация Дубны для исключения транспортного коллапса в городе активно продвигала идею строительства мостового перехода через Волгу. В 2006 году администрация города выступила заказчиком разработки проектной документации и выполнения инженерных изыскания для строительства мостового перехода в створе улиц Вернова и Володарского. И только в 2011 году с целью уменьшения затрат на строительство мостового перехода через реку Волгу администрацией города принято решение о корректировке проектной документации с учетом новых технических условий ФГУП «Канал имени Москвы». Пролетное строение – индивидуальное комбинированное металлическое балочное, с решетчатой подпругой по схеме 73,5 + 84 + 168 + 84 + 73,5 м состоит из четырех коробчатых главных блоков с вертикальными стенками, в которых нижние пояса – постоянной ширины и переменной толщиной русловой части моста.

Пролетные строения правобережной и левобережной эстакад
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Проект организации строительства
Система мониторинга за состоянием конструкций
Наименование датчика
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Реализация проекта
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