
The main objective of this study is to construct and standardize an Attitude Scale to measure the Attitude of B.Ed students towards Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) of Assam. The researcher used descriptive survey method in the present study. The researcher selected 496 sample B.Ed students for tryout of the draft attitude scale towards TET of Assam and t-test used for item analysis of the draft attitude scale towards TET. The researcher selected 38statements for final attitude scale towards TET of Assam out of the 41 items on the basis of high t-value. For estimating reliability of the attitude scale towards TET of Assam, the researcher collected data from 104 sample B.Ed students and used split half method, spearman brown prophecy formula and cronbach alpha technique for estimating reliability of the attitude scale towards TET. The reliability of the Attitude Scale to measure the Attitude of B.Ed students towards Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) of Assam was found as 0.90 by using Spearman Brown prophecy formula and 0.86 by using cronbach alpha. The researcher estimated content validity of the attitude scale towards TET of Assam on the basis of experts’ suggestions.

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