
Introduction: Essential new born care is most important at birth. New born care is the term given to a new born baby from the time of birth up to 28 days of life. Its included essential new born care include immediate basic care of neonate and routine care of neonate. Immediate basic care of newborn of the newborn at birth included maintenance of temperature, establishment of open airway, initial of breathing and maintenance of circulation. Daily routine care of neonates include warmth, breast feeding, skin care, baby bath, care of eye, clothing of baby, general care, observation, weight recording, immunization, follow up and advice.Methods research approach: Evaluative research approach. Research design, pre experimental research design (one group pre text post text design). The conceptual framework based of “conceptual Framework based on modified system model. The setting for this study was the selected areas of District hospital Durg, Chhattisgarh. The tools developed which include,Section 1: Socio demographic data containing sample characteristics would be analyzed using frequency and percentage.Section II: Mean median slandered deviation and mean percentage of pre test and post test knowledge scores would be computed.Section III: The significant difference between the mean retest and pos t test knowledge score would be calculated using paired t test.Section IV: The association between post test knowledge with selected demographic variables would be determined by the chi- square test.Tools validity was done and tools found reliable, study found feasible after pilot study.Result: it has been observed that in this study pretest and posttest design was used. The population for the present study comprised post natal mothers of seleted hospitals Durg. Total 40 samples were taken. sample was collected through the use of purposive sampling technique. To ensure reliability of tool data of the structured knowledge questionnaire was analyzed by split half method and the reliability coefficient was calculated through using spearman Brown prophecy formula. The reliability co-efficient of the tool was found to be r= 0.816. Hence the tool was found to be valid, reliable and feasible.Section 1: Socio demographic data.Section II: Assess the level of pre test and post test knowledge on post natal mothers regarding new born careSection III: Evaluate effectiveness of planed teaching program by comparing pre and post test knowledge score.Section IV: The association between post test knowledge with selected demographic variables.Conclusion: The study findings showed that there was significant increase in the knowledge of post natal mothers after giving of planned teaching programme regarding new born care. Hence it was concluded that planned teaching programme has been an effective method to increase knowledge of post natal others regarding new born care.

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