
Based on the in-depth study of the new science and technology involved in the university sports teaching management, this paper concludes that the focus of the contemporary university sports teaching management mode is sports teaching, evaluation and security, big data, artificial intelligence and other new technologies will become an important auxiliary means of university sports teaching management. This paper puts forward the basic framework and ideas of the application of new technology in the management of college physical education, designs the intelligent management mode of college physical education, compares it with the traditional management mode of physical education, and proves that the application of new technology can promote the scientization of physical education curriculum, improve the quality of college physical education, improve the quality of college physical education Under the basic principle of "student-centered", we should promote the implementation of "teaching students in accordance with their aptitude" in teaching content and "teaching methods vary from person to person", further improve the safety protection of curriculum construction and the rational use and development of sports resources, and promote the establishment of a comprehensive, scientific, fair and effective sports evaluation system for teachers and students.


  • 功能 入学体检档案管理系统 入学身体机能评价 入学体测数据采集 入学体测评价 静态心率分析 课堂心率监测预警 运动强度预警 身体安全预警提示 个人疾患智能辅助(自愿) 体育健身项目智能规划 心理测评 心理健康评价 心理健康教育推送 体育健康规划 自主选课系统 智能优化选课 外堂技能课教学 网络视频教学 理论知识测试 品格培养学习 教师教学资源管理 课外体育指导 健康及品格综合评价 教师综合评价 数据存储方式

  • on the in-depth study of the new science and technology involved in the university sports teaching management

  • this paper concludes that the focus of the contemporary university sports teaching management mode is sports teaching

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功能 入学体检档案管理系统 入学身体机能评价 入学体测数据采集 入学体测评价 静态心率分析 课堂心率监测预警 运动强度预警 身体安全预警提示 个人疾患智能辅助(自愿) 体育健身项目智能规划 心理测评 心理健康评价 心理健康教育推送 体育健康规划 自主选课系统 智能优化选课 外堂技能课教学 网络视频教学 理论知识测试 品格培养学习 教师教学资源管理 课外体育指导 健康及品格综合评价 教师综合评价 数据存储方式. 到增强体质、增进健康和提高体育素养为主要目标的公共 必修课程”,[1]因此,如何合理的、有效的组织“身体练习” 是当前高校体育教学模式改革关注的重点,“不出汗、无 强度、无难度、无对抗”温柔体育被众人所诟病。2014年, 教育部又颁布了《高等学校体育工作基本标准》,再次强 调“严格执行《全国普通高等学校体育课程教学指导纲 要》”,并要求深入推进课程改革“每节体育课须保证一定 的运动强度,其中提高学生心肺功能的锻炼内容不得少于 30%;要将反映学生心肺功能的素质锻炼项目作为考试内 容。”[2]近年来,青少年运动期间猝死现象频发,体育锻 炼方式和手段的把握又成为了颇具争议的社会焦点,使得 体育教师畏手畏脚,学校左右为难,“降低强度、减少对 抗”等应付体育课的思想还是在一定程度上存在着,这也 是长期困扰甚至阻碍大学体育教学发展的重要阻力。一边 强调要加强身体练习,一边还要防范学生的安全问题,如 何“鱼与熊掌兼得”,从体育专业的角度来说,“运动强度” 的检测和控制是这两方面不能兼得的关键[4]。就目前我国 高校体育课现有设备条件,对“运动强度”的把控是难以象

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