
HIPERPAV (high-performance paving) is a concrete paving software product developed jointly by FHWA and The Transtec Group, Inc., and is intended to serve as a tool in the proper selection and control of the factors affecting concrete pavement behavior at early ages. Adequate selection and control of these factors will ensure good performance throughout the design life of the pavement. Praised by industry, agencies, and academia, HIPERPAV is the first software tool of its kind to provide real control over concrete pavement design and construction. With HIPERPAV, materials, pavement design, and construction operations can now successfully be integrated into one easy-to-use Windows based software package. This integration captures all aspects of a concrete pavement construction project and provides a real systems approach to analysis of the first 72 h after construction. With a true systems approach, the development of stresses and strength in concrete pavement can be assessed during these critical first 72 h to maximize quality, increase long-term performance, boost productivity, and optimize pavement options. A brief history of the development, validation, and implementation of the HIPERPAV software to date is presented.

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