
Data intensive applications are backbone for sectors like—banking, insurance and retail industry. Data representation and workflow are two most important aspects of such applications. Although, data representation is catching-up with the latest trends, but for traditional sectors like Banking, Finance, Securities and Insurance (BFSI), any new technology or design trend takes a while before it is integrated into the applications. Such sectors try to minimize risk caused due to new technology environment. There is a wait and watch attitude towards new technology and new user experience. These sectors are the last to adopt the latest design trends. Back-office and mid-office applications have not changed much over the last 10–15 years. Some large banks from North America, Europe and Nordic regions are using applications which are more than 50 years old. Design trends like gamification are rarely used in banking sector. BFSI retail sector is changing fast with advent of new technology and better customer experience. New channels like mobility and tablet; touch enabled platforms like iOS and Android are changing the face of application design and behavior. Users expect similar behavior from the traditional and data intensive applications as well. These new platforms not only use the latest technologies and user experience but also make use of latest design trends which includes gamification. This paper looks at design trends which are shaping the digital media and their impact on traditional and data intensive sectors like banking, finance and insurance.

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